Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 5-Paragraph Essay Topics Meet the Top Popular Issues to Debate!

5 5-Paragraph Essay Topics Meet the Top Popular Issues to Debate! A 5-paragraph essay is a standard writing for schools and universities which in its specific form implements the structured text consisting of five paragraphs. That is where the name comes from. Such papers are mostly used to discuss various points and for this reason always have a strong argumentative constituent. Therefore when choosing a topic for a five paragraph essay one needs to remember that the subject needs to involve some ambivalence or have several points of view at the subject that might be disclosed. The 5-paragraph essay topic must enable you to draw strong argument to support or reject it so that the effects on the reader you are aiming at is reached. Most of the time students choose some popular or urgent social issues that are rather disputable to be the subject of their five paragraph essay. The diversity of such topics can spread from social minorities to world affairs and a very important advantage here is that there always exist several standpoints opening a good perspective for strong convincing arguments. The structure of a five paragraph essay is purposely set that way when every paragraph starting with the introduction is leading through the topic building up on the argument to present you a concluding viewpoint. Nevertheless choosing a good topic is a key factor on the way to successful essay. Since such type of writing does not involve any detailed description and broad discussion the topic should preferably be brief but catchy and known to the majority of the poten tial readers. Whenever you are going to write a five paragraph essay start with a thorough topic selection which will play its part in the whole writing process and help you create a good paper.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ways to De-Stress in College

Ways to De-Stress in College Knowing how to destress can make all the difference between a crazed college experience and one you feel you have control over. Sometimes, however, knowing that you need to destress can be different than actually knowing how to destress. Check out this list of tips- theres sure to be one (or more) for nearly everyone! Relaxing Ways to Destress Breathe deeply.  It only takes a few minutes, but it can really help you achieve more positive mental health. Focus on inhaling and exhaling while trying to let all the stress in your brain slowly melt away.Put your headphones in and listen to some music.  Closing your eyes and relaxing while listening to some music can do wonders for your brain. Tuning out the world for even just five minutes can be a great way to lower your stress and increase your mental clarity.Daydream about your life after  graduation.  College can be overwhelming because there is so much to do all of the time. Let yourself daydream for a few minutes about what your dream life will be like after graduation. Dont worry about how youll make everything happen; just imagine the best possible scenario and the goals youre working so hard to achieve.Look through your personal pics online.  You can check out things youve posted on Facebook or elsewhere. Looking through your personal pics can warm your heart a nd cool your stress. Look through the pics you have on your phone.  Most people take a ton of pictures with their cell phone- and then forget all thats on there. Take a quick trip down memory lane while also giving yourself a break and a few minutes to relax.Read motivational quotations about college and education.  Sometimes, college life can simply seem- if not be- overwhelming. Give yourself some perspective by reading over some  motivational quotations about college  that can help remind you why you work so hard in the first place.Come up with a list of 10 things youve accomplished today/this week.  Sometimes people can get so focused on what they have left to do that theyve forgotten all the things theyve already done. Lower your stress by writing down at least 10 things youve accomplished today or this week. You just might surprise yourself!Take a quick shower.  Most of the time you shower to get clean. Today, however, take a shower to just relax yourself. Let the hot water massage your shoulders and try to imagine your stress being rinsed off and going down the drain, too. Take a quick bath.  If youre lucky enough to live in a place that has bathtubs, a quick bath can be a magical escape. Squirt some soap (or even shampoo) in for some bubbles and pretend youre somewhere far, far away.Wash your face.  If you dont have time for a bath or a shower, a quick face-wash can help wake you up, making you feel refreshed, and relax you- even if its just for a minute or two. If you dont have your soap handy, a quick splash of water will do.Give yourself a mani/pedi.  You dont have to escape to a nail salon to feel fancy. Grab some polish and give yourself a visual pick-me-up as a way to destress and focus on something fun and funky for a few minutes.Address the thing that is stressing you out the most.  Chances are, amidst all your stressors, theres at least one or two things that really stand out. Do at least one thing to address the biggest stress factor(s) in your life- even if its deciding not to worry about it until tomorrow. Active Ways to Destress Do some stretching.  You dont have to be a yoga teacher to know how to stretch. Whether youre in the library, the quad, or your room, a few minutes of slow, deep stretching can improve your mood immensely.Do some  yoga specifically catered to stress reduction.  Of course, if you do love yoga, you know how helpful some good stretching and breathing can be for your health. Take what youve learned in a yoga class and apply it at a time you need it most.Go for a walk.  It doesnt matter where you go- in fact, an aimless walk might be better than one with tasks assigned to it. Remove yourself from a stressful situation and enjoy a few minutes out and about.Go for a quick run.  Grab your shoes, throw on some running clothes, and get your stress out while hitting the pavement (or track or treadmill). A quick, high-intensity run can lower your stress and increase your energy for hours afterward.Go for a bike ride.  Who says you can only use your bike to get to and from class? Go f or a quick ride thats more fun than functional. Ride a skateboard.  If youre able to ride a skateboard on (or near) campus, this pastime can be a great break from your regular, stressful college routine.Clean up your desk.  Alright, it sounds lame, but wouldnt it be nice to start your homework with a nice, clean, organized desk? A clear space leads to a clear mind and cleaning up your desk can do wonders for your productivity.Clean up your room.  Even people who like clean rooms often dont like actually cleaning them. Set a timer for five minutes and see how much you can get done in that time. Youll get yourself moving, get your things organized, and get your head away from the source of your stress for at least a few minutes.Clean out your backpack.  Boring? Maybe. Well, actually ... totally boring. But doing something completely mindless that will result in feeling productive can be a great way to focus on something other than your stress.Do  some laundry.  You may not want to do it, but think of the benefits: Youll get yourself out of your current, stress-inducing project, youll get yourself moving, youll get a mental break from your more stressful tasks, and youll finally get some clean clothes. Dance.  For some, dancing can be a great escape from the stressors of everyday life. Dance to your hearts content for a few minutes before returning to your regularly scheduled tasks.Go for a walk and buy a cup of tea.  Sure, you may have some tea in your room, but sometimes the extra little splurge can be worth it. Youll get moving while also getting a break.Go for a walk and buy a cup of coffee.  If its looking like itll be a long night, go walk to the campus coffee shop and splurge on a cup o joe. Youll get your blood pumping while also getting a little caffeine in your system.Go for a walk and buy a healthy snack.  Sure, those french fries look delicious, but opting for a piece of fruit and some whole wheat toast from the dining hall will make you feel better, both physically and mentally.Go for a walk and treat yourself to, well, a treat.  Alright, lets be honest here: Sometimes you just need a candy bar. Take the long way to the vending machines before selecting a spe cial treat to pick you up and lower your stress, even if its just for a little while. Social Ways to Destress Call a friend and catch up for a few minutes.  Checking in with someone you hold near and dear can be great for your heart. Get the latest from your friend while also sneaking in a nice mental break, too.Send a friend an email.  Chances are that theres at least one friend you need to catch up with, but you may not have time right now for a phone call. Send a quick email letting them know the latest and greatest in your life. And if youre lucky, the next time you need a break, there will be an email from them, too!Send your parents an email.  Face it- you dont talk to your parents enough while youre away at school and theyd like you to  keep in touch more. If a phone call isnt going to work for you right now, zip them a quick email about whats going on with you.Send your sibling(s) an email.  Many students get so caught up in their lives in college that they forget to check in with their siblings. Take a moment or two to send along an update to your brother(s) and/or sister( s)- you might be surprised at how much better doing so makes you feel. Go hang out with other folks for a few minutes.  Even if youre on a tight deadline and feel like you cant spare a few minutes, guess what? You can. Spending a few minutes de-stressing with friends can help your productivity during the rest of the night.Find some friends and have everyone give everyone else a quick massage.  The power of a 3-minute neck and shoulder rub should never, ever be underestimated. Grab several folks, line up, and have everyone rub each others shoulders for a few minutes.Kiss your significant other.  The power of human touch can always help you destress. Grab your honey and enjoy a few minutes of lip-locking before getting back to what you have to do.Look at the events happening on campus this weekend.  If youre feeling overwhelmed with what you have to do between now and the weekend, looking at what options await you at the end of the tunnel can be a great way to destress. Check out an events calendar online or go for a quick walk and actually take t he time to read the posters and flyers everyone puts up all over the place. Make fun plans for the weekend.  If taking a break from campus is what your brain needs, make some fun plans for the weekend. Check out a local city guide or call a friend to see what the scoop is. Fun Ways to Destress Watch your favorite scene from your favorite movie on  YouTube,  Hulu, etc.  Even if you dont own your favorite movie, chances are you can find it online somewhere. Treat yourself to some old-fashioned escapism and tune out for a few minutes.Search for funny clips on YouTube.  Things go viral so quickly that theres always new stuff to watch. Put yourself on a time limit and watch ridiculous things to your hearts content.Create a new  Pandora  channel.  If you really need to work, incorporate ways to destress into your process. Create a new Pandora channel that will energize and refocus you as you work.Treat yourself to some new songs on iTunes.  Buying a few songs for a few bucks can perk you up, give you something fun to look forward to, and let you feel happy instead of stressed- both during and after your purchase.Play around on  Facebook.  Of course, the key here is only to do so for a few minutes. Losing 30 minutes when youre stressed can sometimes add more f uel to the fire. But spending a few minutes poking around can be a great break for your brain. Play around on  Twitter.  Even if youre new to Twitter, seeing what the buzz is at any point in time can be a fun diversion.Play around on  Flickr.  If youre a visual person, looking at cool pictures of things that make you happy can be a nice uplift for your heart- and a nice decrease for your blood pressure.Play around on  StumbleUpon.  StumbleUpon can be enjoyable because it takes you to new sites you may never have heard of but that other users, with interests similar to yours, have recommended. Its a great way to surf the web and find new sites without getting lost in a ton of junk.Read the national news headlines.  Reading the national news can be a great break for your mind while also helping to keep you informed of current events. If youre really lucky, the headlines you read today can be used during a class conversation tomorrow.Read the news headlines in your local town.  You may be so busy living your college life that you dont know what current events are in your new local town. Find out a little more about your home-away-from-home by checking out the local paper online. Read news headlines from your hometown.  What better way to get out of your little stress bubble at school than to learn about the happenings back in your hometown? Even the ads for local restaurants you havent thought about for months might cheer you up a bit.Play around on a gossip website for a few minutes (like  People).  Catching up on the latest celebrity news can be entertaining and provide a fun few minutes of escape.Catch up on the latest sports news.  Most students spend so much time reading homework in college that skimming the latest from the sports world isnt really an option. Check out whats happening with your favorite team, favorite sport, or favorite athlete for a few minutes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Response Analysis About Girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response Analysis About Girl - Essay Example However, some of these words of wisdom did not make any sense and sounded useless. In my society, a mother’s advice is very important especially to her daughters. The girls in my society rely on maternal guidance and this continues even after they marry. If a girl doesn’t behave properly, people will attribute the misconduct to her mother by saying that she wasn’t taught well. This eventually results to a tarnished family reputation that other members of the family must equally endure. In my opinion, I believe that everybody needs to be guided one way or another. Therefore, I will respond to this text and analyze it based on my own experiences and in contemplation of my cultural and social background. When I was a kid, we ate using our hands without any utensils such as spoons and knives. This never occurred to me as peculiar as it was to me, simply, the Arabian way to eat many types of food. Human nature predisposes me to follow my family’s adopted culture in many different things. As shown in the text, the mother told her daughter to â€Å"always eat your food in such a way that it won’t turn someone else’s stomach† (Kincaid, p. 200). I think that her mother overreacted in her warning. I believe that this advice is useless because it’s natural for us to follow our family habits when we eat because it was the way we were raised. In addition, it’s a bad way to impose on someone by telling her to consume her food in a way that it doesn’t upset somebody else’s appetite. This advice might affect someone negatively to an extent that she will be ashamed of eating in front of people. This personal response is based on a social fra mework in relation to people’s habits. The mother in this sentence shocked me by her rude language. I don’t think that any mother should call her daughter a "slut." â€Å"On Sunday, try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming† (p. 200). In my cultural

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business Continuity Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Continuity Plan - Assignment Example The plan formulated and implemented is specifically designed for the White House security staff. The staff is meant to ensure security of the White House is not breached. Plan Scenario Numerous possible scenarios may interfere with the security and normal functioning of the White House. Some of them may include: 1.Natural Calamities Examples include: Floods and Storms 2.Inadequate employees The inadequacy may be due to sickness and injuries, staff strikes or go slows, resignations and retrenchments. 3.Security Breaches Possible incidences include: intruder invasion, cyber-attacks and loss of data and hostile invasion among others. 4.Deficient Infrastructure Possible incidences include power outages, network outages and telecommunication equipment breakdown. Plan assumption The following assumptions will be made subsequent to the implementation of this policy: 1.Sufficient security personnel will be available at any given time at the expected assigned posts 2.An appropriate evacuation procedure will be in place in the event of possible security breach and onset of natural calamities. 3.Backup power generators and network boosters will be available at any particular moment. In the departments not affected, power and network should be maintained. 4.A data breach response team equipped with up to date strategies should be available when needed. Plan Section Recovery Strategy Summary The strategies to be undertaken are expected to neutralize the consequences of the scenarios.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hospitality Essay Example for Free

Hospitality Essay I. Case Background Serving people is the foremost activity in hospitality, and being expertly served is the reasonable expectation of a guests. If theres any place where customers are likely to be paying attention to the type of service they receive, its within the hospitality industry. From restaurants to hotels, it is the job of the hospitality service provider to maintain customer happiness and satisfaction. Nowadays, it is not enough for a hospitality business to know that their guests were happy just receiving â€Å"thank you† or getting service with a smile, although it is the proper etiquette. Customer satisfaction isn’t just about the service. Satisfied customers are looking for a memorable experience and a dynamic service from the establishment they visited. Customer service begins the moment an individual calls your business, either to make a reservation or to gather information. High quality service means meeting and exceeding your guests expectations to feel warmly welcomed. While high-quality customer service requires that employees interact with guests in a friendly manner. They must perform their daily duties with a smile, responding appropriately to the guests needs. Complaints must be handled in an empathetic manner. When the guest is satisfied with his experience, the company earns revenue, return visits, new clientele and positive recommendations. One good thing if an establishment was able to exceed the expectations of the guest is customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is one of the most important keys to the restaurant’s success. Happy customers are the loyal customers. Not only is it important for a hospitality establishment to provide stellar service, but awesome products as well. A customer who has to continuously wait for a restaurant or a hotel, for example, to do their part may grow tired, no matter how loyal, and venture off to their competition. Keep customers loyal by focusing on them at all times. Customer loyalty leads to higher customer retention rate and to continuous business success even in situations where failure to satisfy customers would normally cause an early termination of business. Therefore the restaurant operation must focus not only on attracting first-time customers but also on developing long term relationship with customers. One of the negative results of an unsatisfied guest is the customer complaint. This is one thing that hospitality businesses try to avoid. Fairness is typically the biggest concern of customers who have lodged a service complaint. Because a service failure implies unfair treatment of the customer, service recovery has to re-establish justice from the customers perspective. Handling customer complaints doesnt have to always be a battle, with the right tools and responses an establishment can use complaints to their advantage. A hospitality establishment should always know how to properly handle customer complaints, this is to assure that the complaint of the guest was addressed properly and they will still be considered a repeat customer on their establishment. Giving the customers an outlet for telling the establishment about their poor experiences is one thing they could do. And make it a point to correct issues that went wrong and look into those that could stand some improvement. II. Time Context A week after the appointment of the new General Manager of Pauli’s Restaurant and Brewery, they received a comment in their corporate Web site from one of their customers. The problem takes place when one of the loyal customer experience lousy service when they dined in one Saturday night before they went into a theater and have a movie night. After experiencing that kind of service, they posted a comment in the customer feedback section of the website of the establishment so that they could address the problem immediately. III. Viewpoint In any establishment, managers should always take charge when there is problem regarding the guests. They should act immediately to the complaint of a guest to reduce the occurrence of much bigger problem that could hurt the operation of the establishment. After the manager did the first step, the staffs of the establishment should support the action of the manager to ensure that the problem can be avoided in the future. The overall in charge of the problem is the whole team in the establishment. If they don’t work and help one another, surely the problem they encounter in the past would still occur. IV. Problem Statement Pauli’s Restaurant and Microbrewery is a famous pub in the city. It has established a good position in the market. They have loyal customers who are repeatedly coming back to their establishment. The establishment operates a corporate Web site; one of its features is a customer feedback section that is sent directly to the corporate Vice President and to the appropriate general manager. Once they received a feedback from a customer where they complained about the lousy service they experienced when they dined in at the restaurant one evening. The guest was really disappointed because it is their first time to experience that kind of ridiculously slow service from the establishment usually they do not experience from their past dine in.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Maori Land Issues :: essays papers

Maori Land Issues It^s a known fact that land issues have always been a major topic within Maori and Pakeha race relations in New Zealand. The disputes go back to the 1800 when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. According to the second article of the Treaty, land could only be sold to the Crown if the owners wished to sell them. Disputes over the government^s attempts to buy more land at very cheap prices that were below the value of the land was one of the many reasons that led to the New Zealand Wars in the 185os and 1860s. As a result of the wars, under the New Zealand Settlement Act in 1863, 800,000 hectares of Maori land was confiscated by the government as a punishment for those tribes who opposed the government. Bitterness over the land the Maori people lost and sorrow over the people who lost their lives made an ugly scar in the history of race relations in Aotearoa. With the Native Lands Act in 1862 individual purchase of Maori land was allowed. Although the confiscations caused bitterness and resentment among those affected tribes, the work of The Native Land Court led to far more land being lost, and this affected all tribes. The Native Land Court was set up in 1865 with the intention of getting rid of the communal ownerships of Maori land which was called individualisation so it could be sold more easily. The Court had the intended effect: land sales continues at an increasing rate. By 1911 only 10% of New Zealand^s 66 million acres remained in Maori hands. In 1900 James Carroll, the first Maori Minister of Native Affairs, passed a notable piece of legislation: a Maori Land Administration Act which set up a Council which was based on Carroll^s ^taihoa^ (wait and see) delaying policies. In the Council, Maori owners were in majority, to administer the lease of Maori land. The Council leased but sold very little land and this caused settler discontent and in 1905, the Council were replaced by a European dominated Boards. By the end of the Liberal^s time in office in 1912, a further 3 million acres of Maori land had been sold. Also Sir Apirana Ngata worked with James Carrolls on the Maori Councils Act in 1900. After the Act failed to help Maori people, Ngata decided that the best way he could change laws and policies that affected Maori was through parliament. In 1905 he won the seat for Eastern Maori. As an MP Ngata could

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

?Hong Kong Media Good

Although the rank of freedom of Hong Kong media is much higher than that of China, there are some exceptions to the general rule which states Hong Kong media are free whereas the mainland media are not free. On 6 June 12, a Attainment Square dissident, IL Wangling was found to commit suicide by hanging himself in the Human hospital without leaving any note. The suspect of Lie's death evokes all Hong Kong media to report the news at length, and hence the reporter of South China Morning Post Alex Price ran a full story about Lie's death.However, Wang Examining, the newly appointed editor-in-chief of SCAMP, reduced it into a brief Just before the issue of newspaper without informing him. Price wondered the reason and emailed Wang, but Wang didn't give any reasonable response and said Price knows what to do if he doesn't like this. It is believed that self-censorship was practiced because Wang is mainland born, and is a member of the Jill Provincial CAP. Beijing has influence on the issu e, and hence it makes people suspect the neutrality of SCAMP.Another example to show Begging's influence over the Hong Kong media is that a Shanghai column about the selection of Hong Kong Chief Executive was edited to totally different point of view from the columnist in order to show support to one of the candidates, Lung Chunk Yin, who regards as Pro-China candidate. The column was actually written by the columnist Luau You-sis whose column titled originally ‘Neither of them is the best candidate for the post of Chief Executive' but then was changed to ‘Lung is better than Tong.The original conclusion of the column is, it is no worth to support both of them, the fight between them doesn't help their rule of Hong Kong but worsen and this only makes people getting bad feeling on politics. However, it was edited to the version that, it is no worth to support Tong; Lung is the one who can do better so look forward to his future. Although Shanghai repost the original one n ext day, the explanation of doing such thing as was unacceptable.The last owner of Shanghai also has China background and hence it is believed that there is Begging's influence to affect the freedom of media in Hong Kong. Comparing to Hong Kong, the situation in China may be worse that mainland media are mostly controlled by authority; however, some exceptions also exist and those costly happen on the media Internet. GHz Riffing, the founder of the website People's Supervision which allows entities to expose the corruption of the authority, had uploaded a video of Lei Chemung, a Cocooning official, who was having sex with an 18-year-old lady and secretly recorded.The official then lost his Job due to the muck-raking. Although the website had been once blocked and was unable to be searched via mainland website Baud, GHz believes it was because the website had suffer pressure from Lei personal instead of from authority as KHz's website is now operate normally and GHz is still fee. Des pite of the exposure of the corruption of the authority, KHz's website and his account on social media Webb still working normally and are not controlled by the authority.Another example is about Shah Habit, member of the Communist Party of China Committee of Lubing City's Public Security Bureau, was accused of having amassed 192 houses in Hough and holding a false identity card by a local businessman Hung Junky. The documents about Chaos's double IDs are also exposed on the Internet which evokes not only the citizens but also the authority to investigate the issue. Shah has been sacked after this exposure and the authorities had decided to investigate comprehensively the problems exposed on the Internet.Same as the former example, although it exposes the corruption of authorities, the media haven't been control by authorities to cover the exposure. Overall, I think the freedom for media of both Hong Kong and mainland starts shifting. It is a good beginning for authorities to loosen the control on mainland media, but to Hong Kong media, over-practicing self- censorship only makes Hong Kong citizens revolted to mainland authorities.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Baby P, Health And Social

Peter Connelly also known as â€Å"Baby p† was killed on the 3rd august 2007 at the age of 1, by his stepdad Steven Barker. Baby P had suffered multiple injuries over the previous 8 months resulting in his death. In this piece of writing I will be investing who I think is to blame for Baby P’s death. The social services are to blame for the death of baby P because they were aware of the situation baby P was in and placed him on the at risk register. He went to live with a family friend because the GP spotted that he had bruises on his face and chest and mentioned it to the social services, and the mother was arrested.Tracey had suffered with post-natal depression and this is when the social services should have taken into account that she suffered from it and should have put it on her file and looked into it more. Haringey council had suspended two social workers for the misconduct in the case of baby peter. Social services had visited the home over 60 times and didnâ⠂¬â„¢t notice anything wrong, and didn’t take anything into account. However after watching panorama I learned that the mother had told the social services about the new man in her life but this was never mentioned to the police. The childminder phoned up the social worker to say that she could no  longer care for peter and the other sibling because of peters scalp infection and their head lice problems.The social worker phones Tracey and expressed their concern and that the infection was taking too long to clear up and that Tracey should take them to the GP as soon as possible. The police are to blame because they didn’t investigate when the GP said about his bruises. The metropolitan police did not do their job properly because they didn’t investigate the injuries and the staff at the schools where baby P’s brothers and sisters attended were not told by the police about the baby P’s circumstances or injuries.Police enquiries knew that at the ti me of peters death, the mum’s boyfriend, the lodger and is 15 year old girlfriend had been staying at her home since July 2007. The strategy meeting was attended by a social worker and a detective constable from the Metropolitan police. There was a clear concern about peters welfare and a decision was made that he could not return to the family home until the police investigation and enquires had been completed. The notes of the meeting showed that parents of peter had separated and that the mother had a ‘friend’ who was never left alone with the children.On the 13th December, both the social worker and police officer made a joint visit to the school to interview the two older children. Neither the school nor the health services had concern about their physical safety. During the visit to the hospital the police officer interview Tracey under caution, she told the officer multiple times that she didn’t know where the bruises were coming from and came up wi th explanations for where the bruises were from and she denied that she or her mother was responsible.Also on the 19th December the police arrested Tracey and peters grandmother, during their interview neither gave any explanations of how the injuries occurred but gave some possible causes previously. The police agreed that peter could go home once his mother had made alternative arrangements for the dogs The GP had failed peter because they didn’t take note of his abuse properly they made a few phone calls there and now but never fully reported it or tried to help peter.Jerome Ikwueke admitted having seen peter on numerous occasions, he disputes the claim he neglected his professional duty to look after the child. However he did complain about the bruising also Tracey spoke to Dr. Ikwueke saying that peter had grab marks on him and once again the GP ignored the warning sign. On 26th of July, the SW phoned Tracey after she visited the GP, according to Tracey the GP was unable to prescribe more antibiotics, and he was not concerned and thought that Peter had an allergic reaction the head lice treatment.The GP recognised the need for concern but did nothing about it because he thought that others would do something, and the child was being seen at the Child Development Centre in a few days. Haringey council failed baby P massively because they didn’t check if the mother had a boyfriend. Maria Ward fully aware he was on the council’s children at-risk list in them 6 months she was supposed to be looking after him there was a 4 month backlog of notes on his case. She was supposed to make announced and unannounced visits at least every two weeks but the general social care council found that she went 22 days without any contact at all.Maria Ward had no actual idea of where peter was for four days, she accepted his mothers excuse that they were in cricklewood caring for a ‘sick uncle’. If Miss. Ward hadn’t missed these unannou nced visits then she could have got a picture of what was happening and nothing crucial could have been missed. All Haringey had to say was sorry, which is not enough and will always carry the guilt of allowing such a vulnerable child to be abused and neglected when they could of done something about it.Also the paediatrician could have saved his life if she would have noticed his broken back, it was her last appointment of the day and instead of checking him thoroughly she just gave him a pass and didn’t bother examining him properly. If she would have taken her time, she could have saved peters life instead once again another service failed him. She stated that she couldn’t examine him properly because he was miserable and cranky and acted like a young child with a cold. She also added that he was sitting unsupported and there was no reason to suspect anything.On the other hand, a total of 19 doctors and health workers examined baby P on a total of 33 occasions in th e eight months before his death. Three of the doctors raised concern to the police that his injuries had been non accidental but the Crown Prosecution Service, which had received a report from Haringey social services supporting the boy's mother, decided there was not enough evidence to charge her. Her opinion was that the injuries were non-accidental in nature.This was very concerning for a nine month old baby; peter was  eventually registered on both physical abuse and neglect list. Tracey Connelly, peters mother was to blame because she knew what was happening and didn’t do anything about it. In 2009 she was charged and imprisoned for 6 years for allowing her son’s death. Tracey was born in 1981. When her parents split in 1984, their relationship was known to be violent, and both her and her brother witnessed domestic violence. Tracey classed her stepdad as her biological dad and when he died unexpectedly her brother had came to live with Tracey and his mum.He had been struggling with ‘challenging’ behaviour and was violent at school and towards his sister and also started offending, at the age of 10 she was placed on the child protection register under neglect. After having one of her children she suffered with post-natal depression and couldn’t cope with small children, when she visited the GP in 2005 and they referred her to the PCMHW, there had been concerns that she would suffer with post-natal depression but was not diagnosed.In September 2006, Tracey took peter to the surgery with a cough and nappy rash. The GP complained that baby P bruised easily, and that she might be accused of hurting him at this time peter was only 6 months old. Peter had visited the surgery and hospital at least 3 times that year on one occasion he went to the surgery with a head swelling and his mother stated that he fell down the stairs and got the swelling from that, the GP told her that he was going to refer peter to hospital.At the Whit tington Hospital a number of bruises were seen on peters body and was then documented on a body map. Peter was discharged from hospital on 15th December to the care of Tracey’s friend. On 5th march, the school nurse had called social works saying that they had observed Tracey and had witnessed her shouting at one of peters siblings and slapping their cheek, she was told she had to attend a parenting programme. However the social worker said that the mother and peter had a very strong relationship.In January 2007 Tracey attended their visit core meeting with peter alongside her and then the next interview happened on the 24th of Jan and agreed that if the injuries were non-accidental, it was not clear who the predator was. The family friend should have said something to police or the social worker when she noticed the abuse instead she kept quite. When peter was staying with her she noticed that he had bruises on his testes and claimed that they were from the hospital staff wh en they were doing a scan.The bruise on his buttocks had vanished. The family friend and peters mother agreed to a contract to find a childminder to assist with the childcare during the day, on June the 5th the family friend and peters mother met the team manager to sign a written agreement to the effect that Tracey and Peter would not be left alone together, there should also be a childminder for Peter and one of the other children on particular days.Jason Owen (the lodger) and his 15 year old girlfriend knew abuse was going on, they were arrested but only the Jason was charged, Jason who is a crack-cocaine addict, and a convicted arsonist who was accused of a raping a girl of 11, should have never been allowed to stay with the family but the social workers didn’t do any background checks on him. Jason was a very sick, twisted and psychotic person, he tortured his grandmother when he was growing up and did it again when she was 82, so she would change her will. The grandma o f Peter could have stopped the abuse from happening; she did take Peter into care for a few weeks.When peter was crying and scared he ran up to her and she just ignored him and walked away. She was scared of Steven and she saw some of the abuse attacks but did nothing about it. She should have known what it was like as she was abused by her dad when she was younger and was raped by a stranger; instead she ignored it and let Peter suffer. Steven Barker was definitely to blame because he was the one who carried the abuse out; he beat Peter constantly and made him petrified. Steven who was devoted to his Rottweiler Kaiser, treated Peter like an animal, teaching him to obey commands on how to sit, lie down, and if not, face the consequences.He took pleasure in regularly using the child as a punch bag and was said to have forced the boy to perform â€Å"Seig Heil† salutes as part of his fixation with the Nazis. He was obsessed with knives, martial arts weapons and kept a cross-bow as well as collection of Swastika memorabilia. He used to stride around his home in combat gear. As a child he enjoyed hurting animals and tortured guinea pigs and frogs – skinning the latter before breaking their legs. He kept two pet snakes at Tracey Connelly's home and fed them dead chicks, mice and rabbits.His fascination with causing pain to animals saw him prosecuted for that very obsession by the RSPCA. The social services never looked into Stevens’s background and if they would have done this procedure then maybe they would of taken peters abuse a lot more into consideration and would of taken him into care for re-homing. In my opinion, I think everyone who was involved with Peter’s death is to blame. If Haringey council would of taken action a lot more sooner this would of never happened, if the social workers looked into everyone’s background and found out the crucial things this would of not happened, that goes for the police as well.If the pa ediatrician would of cared to look Peter over, they would have found more injuries and then action would have been taken. Everyone in this case is to blame even if they didn’t do the abuse. The mother is a poor excuse of a human being; she let her child be beaten to death and all she had to say is I’m sorry, that is not good enough! More action should of be done to prevent this and hopefully in the future we will have more skilled people to run these crucial business and maybe they will stop another child from being abused.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Social Studies Questions and Answers essays

Social Studies Questions and Answers essays 1. What factors led to the emergence of a popular independence movement in India, and why did this movement lead to the establishment of two states, India and Pakistan, After achieving India's independence on August 15, 1946, the country faced many contradictory strains. On the one hand, too many people wanted India to proclaim itself a Republic with no allegiance to the British Crown, which ruled on India for 90 years. These people looked for an intense nationalist desire for an independent political, economic, and foreign policy path. "Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will wake to life and freedom." On the other hand, there were a lot of serious problems, since intellectuals, politicians and industrialists shared a broad consensus on the preferred directions of economy policy.The country also faced the challenge of forging a strong unified national identity and an effective state apparatus from the ravages of 1947 partition. The division of the formerly unified British colony into two separate nation states engendered tremendously disruptive population dislocations and unprecedented outbursts of religious hatred between communities that had peacefully coexisted for centuries despite occasional tensions. Perhaps one million people died in the process of splitting British India into two separate states: India and Pakistan. 2. How and why did the political evolution of Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil differ from each other? Until 1910 Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil shared a common history and similar cultures. In the first half of the twentieth century their economies followed parallel trajectories, but their political histories diverged radically. Mexico underwent a traumatic and profound social revolution....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Calculate Percent

How To Calculate Percent Calculating percent is a fundamental math skill, whether youre taking a class or just living life! Percentages are used to make car and house payments, calculate tips and pay taxes on goods. Percent calculations are fundamental to many classes, especially science courses. Heres a step-by-step tutorial on how to calculate percent. What Is Percent? Percentage or percent means per one hundred and expresses the fraction of a number out of 100% or the total amount. A percent sign (%) or the abbreviation pct is used to denote percentage. How To Calculate Percent Determine the total or whole amount. Divide the number to be expressed as a percent by the total.In most cases, youll divide the smaller number by the larger number.Multiple the resulting value by 100. Example Percent Calculation Say you have 30 marbles. If 12 of them are blue, what percent of the marbles are blue? What percent are not blue? Use the total number of marbles. This is 30.Divide the number of blue marbles into the total: 12/30 0.4Multiple this value by 100 to get the percent: 0.4 x 100 40% are blueYou have two ways to determine what percent are not blue. The easiest is to take the total percent minus the percent that are blue: 100% - 40% 60% not blue. You could calculate it, just like you did the initial blue marble problem. You know the total number of marbles. The number that is not blue is the total minus the blue marbles: 30 - 12 18 non-blue marbles.The percent that is not blue is 18/30 x 100 60%As a check, you can make sure the total of blue and non-blue marbles adds up to 100%: 40% 60% 100% Learn More How To Calculate Mass PercentHow To Calculate Percent Composition by MassPercent Error CalculationVolume Percent Concentration

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Could have the American Civil War been avoided Essay

Could have the American Civil War been avoided - Essay Example Slavery was something thought to be short lived, as the North and West grew exponentially with its specialized industries and the South continued to supply the cash crops of cotton, sugar, tobacco, etc. handled and processed by slaves the Northerners could not afford, and did not believe in keeping. As time wore on and the cotton gin was invented, slavery became even more deeply a part of Southern culture; it was protected under the Constitution (because slaves were personal property), and was impossible to amend. But slavery itself was a red herring. The main complaint of the South was that the North was gaining more power in the federal government and the South no longer had a voice. The North abolished slavery on moral grounds (apparently), but Andrew Jackson, when a Mississippi senator, stated blatantly that â€Å"It is not humanity that influences you†¦ it is that you may have a majority in the Congress of the United States and convert the Government into an engine of Nort hern aggrandizement†¦ you want by an unjust system of legislation to promote the industry of the United States at the expense of the people of the South.† (Epperson, Jim, 1996). Considering the complexities around the issue of slavery (mostly economic) and the desperation of the South to hold onto their slaves along with the general concern from the North of what to do with all the slaves if they were to be freed, it doesn’t seem possible that any mind sets could be changed to prevent the war even if the issue of slavery didn’t exist.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The place that we grow up in shapes our personality and our life Essay

The place that we grow up in shapes our personality and our life forever. Did you grow up in a rural town, in a crowded city, in - Essay Example I attended elementary school in this town, went for my first nature trail here, learned how to ride a bicycle and most importantly learned how to live with other people by interacting with the people of Flagstaff town. All my childhood memories are based on this beautiful town. The beautiful sceneries of Flagstaff and its caring community have influenced my persona and shaped my personality. The people of Flagstaff are warm and very friendly even to strangers. As I was growing up in Flagstaff, many of the people I interacted with believed that one should treat others the same way he or she would want to be treated. Their actions are filled with kindness and they conduct themselves with humility. The people of Flagstaff imparted these qualities on me when I was a child and I have lived to practice deeds that emulate them even when other people try to take advantage of my nature. My parents, who are Flagstaff natives, have treated other people respectfully and they have instilled the s ame on me by being a great example, thus demonstrating the manner in which I should conduct myself when interacting with other people. Flagstaff is considered one of the safest towns in Arizona as the criminal activities are isolated. The people of Flagstaff are very close and this aspect has helped them foster peace with one another. Every individual enjoys a close relationship with the people from the surrounding area, therefore, making perpetration of a crime, a difficult task. Some people from our neighborhood often joked that the little criminal activities present, were perpetrated by non-Flagstaff residents as they believed that the community did not host any criminals. Growing up in this community, one was taught to ask but never to obtain anything without the owner’s consent. My neighbor, an elderly woman, usually left her backdoor open so that the cool breeze could cool her house during the summer and no one took a piece her delicious pies without asking her for it. This is a tradition of the people of Flagstaff and assimilating it has led me to become an honest person who loves to interact with the people that I live with. Other people are able to trust me because I am able to foster honesty with them. Flagstaff is well-known for its scenic beauty, the mountainous outdoors, the nature trails and the ponderosa pine forests that make it an amenable place to camp. I fell in love with nature when I was still a kid and my father used to take my siblings and me for camping, mountaineering and mountain biking in the adjacent parks. Flagstaff is surrounded by various parks like Buffalo Park, Thorne Park and Wheeler Park, which provide great camping sites for the camping enthusiasts (Tripadvisor). It always turned out to be a great experience whenever my father took us camping as we were able to watch the different kinds of birds and animals during the day, and watch the constellations of stars at night. Camping in these areas of Flagstaff revealed tha t I had a passion for nature. Whether it was the beautiful green scenery filled with cold fresh air or it was the sandy, dry desert climate, it brought a feeling of calmness as I strolled peacefully across the environs of Flagstaff. The beautiful scenery of Flagstaff that is characterized by a pollution free environment inspired me to appreciate the environment for the many advantages associated with it. The natural beauty surrounding Flagstaff is phenomenal and the amazing places a person can